Papa's humaneria

one day there was a papas game on that was like no other, it was a game where you could make humans and it is disgusting. i can't believe the executeives on let this happen. the game is gone now because they realised their mistake but it still tramatized kids to this day. im going to play the game and show you how it handles subjects like cannibalism.
part 1 - gameplay
okay so the first stage of gameplay is titled 'murder spree'. you go out as papa himself and kill ten people to serve to the citie's cannibals. there are different ways to kill people. firstly you can kill them by gouging their eyes out and taking their hearts. secondly you can rip off their limbs and beat them with them to tenderize their meat before you can prepare them, i'll get to the preparing stage soon. the third and final way of killing them is tearing their heads off. you can take their fingers and toes for key chains to sell in the gift shop to get extra money for newer ways to prepare people.
the second stage is titled 'prepare the victim'. you must cut off the skin and remove the organs from the humans. also you need to remove all bones from them too. after that you can beat the leftover meat to tenderize the it.
the third stage is cooking the organs and the tenderized meat however the customer likes it. somethimes they like it when you cut it up and give them the cup of blood. after that you cook it to either rare, uncommon or cooked. and then you serve it to them.
part 2 - personal opinioins
the game looks hyperrealistic. the graphic are very scary-ish, with a live-action cutscene of papa murdering the victims in the way you want them murdered. the tenderizing stages are very hard because you don't know if theres another bone in the meat you just tenderized. in the end the game gives you a score on how many bones and vital organs you left on the meat. you can also kill a cannibal and serve them to the other cannibals, but there will be 9 less cusotmers to eat your food.
part 3 - impact it had on the world
a bunch of kids were scarred for live, especially the autistic retards that play every papas game ever. but also there were a few murders happening in new york. the newspaper article on it was called 'papa the killer - new game coming out soon, dont play'. whatever happens now, im glad papas humaneria is gone from